- dnw.exe connect USB to PC, driver is downloaded from friendlyArm.net
- hyperterminal and COMport
- build kernel, type make zImage
- open hyperterm, press k
- send file using dnw
- on hyperterm, press b
- attach again the USB
Create shareFolder in vBox sudo mount -t ubuntuTmp windowsTmp
useful src: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/usb_keyboard.html
http://www.lvr.com/hidfaq.htm See Q&A
http://www.cygnal.org/ubb/Forum9/HTML/001381.html Explanation on keyboard descriptor
http://forums.obdev.at/viewtopic.php?p=4258 Composite device
Why do I receive "Access denied" when attempting to access my HID?
Windows 2000 and later have exclusive read/write access to HIDs that are configured as a system keyboards or mice. An application can obtain a handle to a system keyboard or mouse by not requesting READ or WRITE access with CreateFile. Applications can then use HidD_SetFeature and HidD_GetFeature (if the device supports Feature reports).
http://www.keil.com/forum/12689/ <- This shows what is usage max